Items where Subject is "Business Strategy"

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    • Business Strategy (106)
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Anand, M and Nandkumar, A (2013) Walking the Talk: How Do Differences between De Facto and De Jure IPR Influence Firm Strategies? Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013 (1). ISSN 2151-6561

Arora, A and Forman, C and Nandkumar, A and Telang, R (2005) Competitive and Strategic Effects in the Timing of Patch Release. In: Workshop on the Economics of Information Security, England.

Arora, A and Krishnan, R and Nandkumar, A and Telang, R and Yang, Y and Heinz, H J (2004) Impact of Vulnerability Disclosure and Patch Availability - An Empirical Analysis. Working Paper. WEIS.

Arora, A and Nandkumar, A (2012) Insecure Advantage? Markets for Technology and the Value of Resources for Entrepreneurial Ventures. Strategic Management Journal, 33 (3). pp. 231-251. ISSN 0143-2095

Arora, A and Nandkumar, A (2017) Securing Their Future? Entry And Survival In The Information Security Industry. Working Paper. NBER.

Arora, A and Nandkumar, A (2008) Securing Their Future? Entry and Survival in the Information Security Industry. Working Paper. SSRN.

Arora, A and Nandkumar, A (2011) Cash-Out or Flame-Out! Opportunity Cost and Entrepreneurial Strategy: Theory, and Evidence from the Information Security Industry. Working Paper. Indian School of Business.

Arora, A and Nandkumar, A (2009) Cash-Out or Flame-Out! Opportunity Cost and Entrepreneurial Strategy: Theory, and Evidence from the Information Security Industry. Working Paper. NBER.

Awate, S and Larsen, M M and Mudambi, R (2019) Inventor multiplexity and innovation performance: the implication of firm boundary. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Awate, S and Paruchuri, S and Phene, A and Akkinapelli, S (2019) Distal and proximal cues: role of firm units and inventors in organizational knowledge development. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Awate, S and Larsen, M M and Mudambi, R (2012) EMNE catch-up strategies in the wind turbine industry: Is there a trade-off between output and innovation capabilities? Global Strategy Journal, 2 (3). pp. 205-223. ISSN 2042-5805


Balkin, D B and Trevino, L J and Fitza, M and Gomez-Mejia, LR and Tadikonda, D D H (2020) Antecedents of non-monetary rewards: designating the first author. Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, 18 (2). pp. 221-244. ISSN 1536-5433

Batra, R K and Ghoshal, T and Raghunathan, R (2017) You are what you eat: An empirical investigation of the relationship between spicy food and aggressive cognition. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 71. pp. 42-48. ISSN 1096-0465

Bharadwaj, A and Mani, D and Nandkumar, A (2018) When Companies Want to Innovate, But Investors Won’t Let Them. Harvard Business Review. p. 924. ISSN 0017-8012

Bhatia, A and Deuskar, P and Mani, D and Nandkumar, A (2019) Elites vs Masses: Expanding Entrepreneurial Finance through Equity Crowdfunding. Working Paper. University of Cambridge.

Bhattacharyya, N and Huhmann, B and Samu, S (2014) Risk Perceptions of Mutual Funds-Evidence from an Experimental Approach. Journal of Finance Issues, 13 (2). pp. 40-53. ISSN 2372-2940

Billinger, S and Knudsen, T and Srikanth, K (2012) Sensemaking and Organizational Search. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2012 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Bisui, S and Reuer, J J and Tadikonda, D D H (2021) Exploring the Impact of Innovation Disclosures on Contracting for Technology Collaborations. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Bisui, S and Zhang, K and Reuer, J J and Tadikonda, D D H (2020) Organization Structure Matters: R&D Centralization and Alliance Governance. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020 (1). ISSN 0065-0668


Chakrabarti, R and Gupta-Mukherjee, S and Jayaraman, N (2009) Mars-Venus marriages: Culture and cross-border M & A. Journal of International Business Studies, 40. pp. 216-236. ISSN 1478-6990

Chanda, S S and Ray, S (2023) Is comprehensiveness in making strategic decisions always helpful? Australian Journal of Management. ISSN 0312-8962

Chatterjee, A (2024) Resource Mobilization Through Bricolage in Social Enterprises. Dissertation thesis, Indian School of Business.

Chauradia, A J (2020) Workforce cap-agility. In: Leading Human Capital in the 2020s. Sage, New Delhi, India, pp. 34-48. ISBN 9789353882921

Chauradia, A J and Somaya, D (2014) Is Pro Bono also Pro Lucrum? Doing Well by Letting your Human Capital Do Good. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014 (1). ISSN 2151-6561

Chen, G and Chittoor, R and Vissa, B (2013) Pre-modern and modern basis of affiliation and the accuracy of analysts’ forecast of Indian firms. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Chittoor, R (2009) Internationalization of Emerging Economy Firms - Need for New Theorizing. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 45 (1). pp. 27-40. ISSN 0019-5286

Chittoor, R and Aulakh, P S and Branzei, O (2015) Effects of Deinstitutionalization: Evidence from the Indian Textile Industry. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Chittoor, R and Aulakh, P S and Branzei, O (2012) Institutional Resources and Firm Competitive Advantage: Evidence from the Indian Textile Industry. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2012 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Chittoor, R and Aulakh, P S and Branzei, O (2014) Paradoxical Effects of Institutions on MNC Firms: Evidence from the Indian Textile Industry. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Chittoor, R and Aulakh, P S and Ray, S (2012) Investments in Innovation in Developing Economy Firms: The Role of Internationalization. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2012 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Chittoor, R and Kale, P (2011) PERFORMANCE EFFECTS OF BG AFFILIATION: ROLE OF INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE AND SELECTIVE INTERVENTION. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2011 (1). pp. 1-2. ISSN 0065-0668

Chittoor, R and Ray, S and Jena, D (2013) Explaining the Internationalization of EMNEs: Role of Managerial Intentionality. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Choudhury, A and Jandhyala, S and Nandkumar, A (2024) Economic nationalism and the home court advantage. Strategic Management Journal. ISSN 0143-2095 (Submitted)


Damaraju, N L and Barney, J B and Makhija, A K (2014) Real options in divestment alternatives. Strategic Management Journal, 36 (5). pp. 728-744. ISSN 0143-2095

Damaraju, N L and Makhija, A K (2018) The role of social proximity in professional CEO appointments: Evidence from caste/religion-based hiring of CEOs in India. Strategic Management Journal, 39 (7). pp. 2051-2074. ISSN 1097-0266

Deuskar, P and Pan, D and Wu, F and Zhou, H (2020) How does regret affect investor behaviour? Evidence from Chinese stock markets. Accounting & Finance, 61 (S1). pp. 1851-1896. ISSN 1467-629X

Devarakonda, R and Reuer, J J and Tadikonda, D D H (2022) Founder social capital and value appropriation in R&D alliance agreements. Research Policy, 51 (4): 104474. ISSN 0048-7333

Dixit, J (2013) Performance below Aspirations, Cultural Motivations of Owners and Slack. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013 (1). ISSN 2151-6561

Dixit, J and Markovitch, D and O'Brien, J (2015) Do Increases in R&D Search Intensity Signal Future Problems? A Behavioral Theory Perspective. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015 (1). ISSN 2151-6561

Dixit, J and O'Brien, J (2014) Performance Feedback and Financing Decisions: Exploring Complementarities Between TCE and BTF. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014 (1). ISSN 2151-6561

Duggirala, M and Kambhatla, N and Polavarapu, R and Garg, D (2011) An integrated framework of service quality for global delivery of contact center services. In: Proceedings - 2011 Annual SRII Global Conference, SRII 2011, 30-02 March-April,2011, United States.


Fleischman, F and Basant, S and Chhatre, A and Coleman, E A and Fischer, H W and Gupta, D and Güneralp, B and Kashwan, P and Khatri, D and Muscarella, R and Powers, Jennifer S and Ramprasad, Vijay and Rana, Pushpendra and Solorzano, Claudia Rodriguez and Veldman, Joseph W (2020) Pitfalls of Tree Planting Show Why We Need People-Centered Natural Climate Solutions. BioScience, 70 (11). pp. 947-950. ISSN 0006-3568


Ghosh, K and Chauradia, A J and Sripada, C (2020) Flock Together or Fly Alone: Cohort's Influence on Newcomer's Job Search and Turnover. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020 (1). ISSN 2151-6561


Howell, T and Jena, D and McGrath, P J and Bingham, C B (2016) Unpacking Environmental Dynamism: From Operationalization to Characterization. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016 (1). ISSN 0065-0668


Joshi, S and Krishnan, R and Mani, D (2020) Pricing your outsourcing contract in uncertainty. Other. Strategic Finance.


K. Jha, S and Awate, S (2022) FDI and Tax haven: A network analysis of productivity effects. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Kameshwaran, S and Benyoucef, L (2008) Optimal buying from online retailers offering total value discounts. In: 10th International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2008, ICEC'08, 19-22, August 2008, Innsbruck; Austria.

Knudsen, T and Srikanth, K (2014) Coordinated Exploration: Organizing Joint Search by Multiple Specialists to Overcome Mutual Confusion and Joint Myopia. Administrative Science Quarterly, 59 (3). pp. 409-441. ISSN 1930-3815

Kotha, R R and Srikanth, K and George, G (2013) BRIDGING THE MUTUAL KNOWLEDGE GAP: COORDINATION AND THE COMMERCIALIZATION OF RADICAL SCIENCE. The Academy of Management Journal, 56 (2). pp. 1-27. ISSN 0065-0668

Kotha, S and Srikanth, K (2013) Managing A Global Partnership Model: Lessons from the B oeing 787 ‘Dreamliner’ Program. Global Strategy Journal, 3 (1). pp. 41-66. ISSN 2042-5791

Kumar, M V S and Dixit, J and Francis, B (2014) The impact of prior stock market reactions on risk taking in acquisitions. Strategic Management Journal, 36 (13). pp. 2111-2121. ISSN 1097-0266

Kumar, V and Lahiri, A and Dogan, O B (2018) A strategic framework for a profitable business model in the sharing economy. Industrial Marketing Management, 69. pp. 147-160. ISSN 1873-2062

Kumar, V and Pansari, A (2016) National Culture, Economy, and Customer Lifetime Value: Assessing the Relative Impact of the Drivers of Customer Lifetime Value for a Global Retailer. Journal of International Marketing, 24 (1). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1547-7215

Kumar, V and Reinartz, W (2016) Creating Enduring Customer Value. Journal of Marketing, 80 (6). pp. 36-68. ISSN 1547-7185


Lampel, J and Bhalla, A (2011) Living with offshoring: The impact of offshoring on the evolution of organizational configurations. Journal of World Business, 46 (3). pp. 346-358. ISSN 1878-5573

Langer, N and Mani, D (2018) Impact of Formal Controls on Client Satisfaction and Profitability in Strategic Outsourcing Contracts. Journal of Management Information Systems, 35 (4). pp. 998-1030. ISSN 1557-928X

Loo, G and Sindhwani, S and Jing, C and Loo, T (2011) Brand Hong Kong. In: City Branding: Theory and Cases. Palgrave Macmillan UK, London, UK, pp. 157-161. ISBN 9780230294790


Mani, D and Nandkumar, A (2015) The Differential Impacts of Markets for Technology on the Value of Technological Resources: An Application of Group-Based Trajectory Models. Strategic Management Journal, 37 (1). pp. 192-205. ISSN 1097-0266

Mani, D and Barua, A and Whinston, A (2009) The impact of firm learning on financial value in strategic outsourcing relationships. In: 30th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2009, 15-18 December 2009, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Mani, D and Barua, A and Whinston, A B (2006) Successfully Governing Business Process Outsourcing Relationships. MIS Quarterly, 5 (1). pp. 18-29. ISSN 1540-1979

Mondal, A and Ray, S and Chittoor, R (2015) How Much Does Subsidiary Experience Matter for EMNCs: Evidence From Indian Multinationals. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Mondal, A and Ray, S and Lahiri, S (2022) Family ownership, family management, and multinationality: Evidence from India. Journal of Business Research, 138. pp. 347-359. ISSN 0148-2963


Nandkumar, A (2006) Agent-based Mission Modeling and Simulation. In: 2006 Spring Simulation Multiconference, Huntsville, AL.

Nandkumar, A (2015) Heads you Win Tails I lose: The Influence of Patent Strength on Downstream Entry. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015 (1). ISSN 2151-6561

Nandkumar, A and Jandhyala, S and Choudhury, A (2021) Economic nationalism and the home court advantage. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021 (1). ISSN 2151-6561

Nandkumar, A (2012) Cash-out or flameout! Opportunity cost and entrepreneurial strategy: theory, and evidence from the information security industry. Strategic Direction, 28 (4). pp. 12-18. ISSN 1758-8588

Nandkumar, A (2012) How the Strength of Patents Influence Firm Strategies and Competition? Academy of Management Proceedings, 2012 (1). ISSN 2151-6561

Nandkumar, A and Mani, D (2014) An Introduction to Group Based Trajectory Modeling in Strategic Management Research. Working Paper. SSRN.

Nandkumar, A and Mani, D and Bharadwaj, A (2018) Market Returns to Digital Innovations: A Group Based Trajectory Approach. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018 (1). ISSN 2151-6561

Nandkumar, A and Srikanth, K (2014) Right Person at the Right Place: How IPR at the Host Location Influences the Internal Division of Innovative Labor in Multinational Enterprises. Working Paper. SSRN.

Nandkumar, A and Srikanth, K (2015) Right person in the right place: How the host country IPR influences the distribution of inventors in offshore R&D projects of multinational enterprises. Strategic Management Journal, 37 (8). pp. 1715-1733. ISSN 1097-0266


Prasad, A and Mahajan, V (2003) How many pirates should a software firm tolerate? An analysis of piracy protection on the diffusion of software. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 20 (4). pp. 337-353. ISSN 1873-8001


Ramachandran, K and Ray, S (2005) Creating information technology industrial clusters: Learning from strategies of early and late movers. In: Information Communication Technology and Economic Development: Learning from Indian Experience. elgaronline, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 149-166. ISBN 9781845421755

Ramachandran, K (2003) How dotcoms can be winners: A customer dissatisfaction approach to analysis. Venture Capital, 5 (3). pp. 191-216. ISSN 1464-5343

Ramachandran, K (2001) Management Strategies of Venture Capital Funded Firms. The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 10 (2). pp. 129-141. ISSN 0973-0745

Ramachandran, K (1994) Strategic Plarming in Small Enterprises: Some Empirical Evidence. Vikalpa, 19 (3). pp. 47-56. ISSN 2395-3799

Ramachandran, K and Ray, S (2006) Networking and New Venture Resource Strategies: A Study of Information Technology Start-ups. The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 15 (2). pp. 145-168. ISSN 0973-0745

Ramachandran, K and Voleti, S (2004) Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Emerging Scenario and Strategic Options for IT-enabled Services. Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers, 29 (1). pp. 49-62. ISSN 0256-0909


Sen, P and Puranam, P (2022) Do Alliance portfolios encourage or impede new business practice adoption? Theory and evidence from the private equity industry. Strategic Management Journal, 43 (11). pp. 2279-2312. ISSN 1097-0266

Seth, A (2023) Rationale, implementation challenges and success factors for establishing GCCs - Global Capability Centers (Captives). Dissertation thesis, Indian School of Business.

Sharma, S and Chung, W (2021) Demand agglomeration economies, neighbor heterogeneity, and firm survival: The effect of HHGregg's bankruptcy. Strategic Management Journal, 43 (2). pp. 370-401. ISSN 1097-0266

Sharma, A and Saboo, A R and Kumar, V (2018) Investigating the Influence of Characteristics of New Product Introduction Process on Firm Value: The Case of the Pharmaceutical Industry. Journal of Marketing, 85 (5). pp. 66-85. ISSN 1547-7185

Shyam Kumar, M V and Dixit, J and Francis, B (2015) The Impact of Prior Stock Market Reactions On Risk Taking in Acquisitions. Strategic Management Journal, 36 (13). pp. 2111-2121. ISSN 1097-0266

Sindhwani, S (2017) Creative management: A strategic paradigm for digital-era. Singapore Management University, Greater Noida, India. ISBN 9788120794986

Sindhwani, S (2019) Game Changers. Notion Press, Chennai, India. ISBN 9781684663170

Sindhwani, S and Appasamy, L (2020) Managing Cognitive Biases in Leadership Decision Making: Allow or Dismiss intuition in the age of AI. In: Leading Human Capital in the 2020s: Emerging Perspectives. Sage Publications, New Delhi, India, pp. 47-57. ISBN 9789353882921

Sindhwani, S and Appasamy, L (2017) Cardpe: Assessing the market potential in a dynamic payments ecosystem in India. Working Paper. Singapore Management University.

Sindhwani, S and Appasamy, L (2017) Matrix Cellular: Tapping into innovation to disrupt a regulated and saturated market. Working Paper. Singapore Management University.

Sindhwani, S and Thomas, H (2017) Exposed and Under Pressure: A middle management crisis in the making? Why mid- level leaders aren't prepared for today's challenges. Asian Management Insights, 4 (2). pp. 32-37. ISSN 2315-4284

Srikanth, K and Puranam, P (2011) Integrating distributed work: Comparing task design, communication, and tacit coordination mechanisms. Strategic Management Journal, 32 (8). pp. 849-875. ISSN 1097-0266

Sunder, S and Kumar, V and Goreczny, A and Maurer, T (2016) Why do Salespeople Quit? An Empirical Examination of Own & Peer Effects on Salesperson Turnover Behavior. Journal of Marketing Research, 54 (3). pp. 381-397. ISSN 0022-2437

Sunder M, V and Modukuri, S and Srivastava, R K (2022) A Value-Driven Digital Strategy Framework for Healthcare Firms. California Management Review. ISSN 2162-8564

Swaminathan, R (2024) Building Business Resilience-A Research study across Impact SME Sectors of the Indian Economy. Dissertation thesis, Indian School of Business.


Tadikonda, D D H (2022) Starting off on the Wrong Foot: The Formation of Licensing Agreements in the Shadow of the Court. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Tadikonda, D D H and Devarakonda, S R and Leenders, H (2022) The Effect of Litigation Experience on the Scope of R&D Alliances. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Tadikonda, D D H and Leenders, H (2023) Partners’ Litigation History and Collaborative Engagement. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Tadikonda, D D H and Morales, F J (2021) Inventor Disruption in the Wake of Patent Litigation. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Tandon, V and Nandkumar, A and Mogra, R and Srikanth, K (2024) Balancing allocative and dynamic efficiency with redundant R&D allocation: Th e role of organizational proximity and centralization. Strategic Management Journal. ISSN 0143-2095 (Submitted)


Umashankar, N and Bhagwat, Y and Kumar, V (2016) Do loyal customers really pay more for services? Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45. pp. 807-826. ISSN 1552-7824


Vadera, A K and Aguilera, Ruth V and Caza, Brianna (2009) Making Sense of Whistle-Blowing's Antecedents: Learning from Research on Identity and Ethics Programs. Business Ethics Quarterly, 19 (4). pp. 553-586. ISSN 2153-3326

Venugopal, A and Nerur, S and Mahmut, Y and Casper, W J and Awate, S (2021) CEO Personality and Organizational Decoupling in the Context of Corporate Sustainability. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Venugopal, Aj and Awate, S and Nerur, S and Rasheed, A (2022) CEO Personality Traits and Corporate Environmental Performance. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Vilá, O R and Bharadwaj, S (2017) Competing on social purpose: Brands that win by tying mission to growth. Harvard Business Review, 95 (5). pp. 94-101. ISSN 0017-8012

Voleti, S and Kopalle, P K and Ghosh, P (2015) An Interproduct Competition Model Incorporating Branding Hierarchy and Product Similarities Using Store-Level Data. Management Science, 61 (11). pp. 2720-2738. ISSN 0025-1909


Wu, F and Mahajan, V and Balasubramanyan, S (2003) An Analysis of E-Business Adoption and Its Impact on Business Performance. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 31 (4). pp. 425-447. ISSN 1552-7824


Yang, L K and Zerrillo, P C (2018) Negotiating the Legal Systems in ASEAN. Asian Management Insights, 5 (1). ISSN 2315-4284

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