Items where Year is 2014
Abbink, K and Dasgupta, U and Gangadharan, L and Jain, T (2014) Letting the briber go free: An experiment on mitigating harassment bribes. Journal of Public Economics, 111. pp. 17-28. ISSN 1879-2316
Acharya, V V and Baghai, R P and Subramanian, K (2014) Wrongful discharge laws and innovation. Review of Financial Studies, 27 (1). pp. 301-346. ISSN 1465-7368
Agarwal, R and Bapna, R and Yong Goh, K and Ghose, A and Shmueli, G and Slaughter, S (2014) Does Growing Demand for Data Science Create New Opportunities for Information Systems? In: Thirty Fifth International Conference on Information Systems, 2014, Auckland.
Alok, S and Ayyagari, M (2014) Politics, State Ownership, and Corporate Investment. Working Paper. SSRN.
Andrade Rojas, M G and Kathuria, A (2014) Competitive Brokerage: External Resource Endowment and Information Technology As Antecedents. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014 (1). ISSN 0065-0668
Anuradha, M V and Srinivas, E S and Singhal, M and Ramnarayan, S (2014) To Work or Not to Work: Construction of Meaning of Work and Making Work Choices. Vikalpa, 39 (2). pp. 7-20. ISSN 2395-3799
Arya, A and Gong, N and Ramanan, R N V (2014) Quality Testing and Product Rationing by Input Suppliers. Production and Operations Management, 23 (11). pp. 1835-1844. ISSN 1059-1478
Baer, M and Vadera, A K and Leenders, R T A J and Oldham, G R (2014) Intergroup competition as a double-edged sword: How sex composition regulates the effects of competition on group creativity. Organization Science, 25 (3). pp. 892-908. ISSN 1047-7039
Barua, A and Mani, D (2014) Augmenting Conflict Resolution with Informational Response: A Holistic View of Governance Choice in Business Process Outsourcing. Journal of Management Information Systems, 31 (3). pp. 72-105. ISSN 1557-928X
Bhattacharyya, N and Huhmann, B and Samu, S (2014) Risk Perceptions of Mutual Funds-Evidence from an Experimental Approach. Journal of Finance Issues, 13 (2). pp. 40-53. ISSN 2372-2940
Chakrabarti, R and Malik, S and Khairnar, S and Verma, A (2014) Penetration of Mutual Funds in India - Opportunities and Challenges. Working Paper. SEBI.
Chauradia, A J and Somaya, D (2014) Is Pro Bono also Pro Lucrum? Doing Well by Letting your Human Capital Do Good. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014 (1). ISSN 2151-6561
Chen, W and Feng, Q and Seshadri, S (2014) Inventory-Based Dynamic Pricing with Costly Price Adjustment. Production and Operations Management, 24 (5). pp. 732-749. ISSN 1937-5956
Chittoor, R and Aulakh, P S and Branzei, O (2014) Paradoxical Effects of Institutions on MNC Firms: Evidence from the Indian Textile Industry. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014 (1). ISSN 0065-0668
Chittoor, R and Kale, P and Puranam, P (2014) Business groups in developing capital markets: Towards a complementarity perspective. Strategic Management Journal, 36 (9). pp. 1277-1296. ISSN 1097-0266
Cronin, A A and Prakash, A and Priya, S and Coates, S (2014) Water in India: situation and prospects. Water Policy, 16 (3). pp. 425-441. ISSN 1366-7017
Cumming, D and Chakrabarti, R (2014) Global Perspectives on Entrepreneurship: Public and Corporate Governance. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 22 (2). pp. 73-76. ISSN 0964-8410
Damaraju, N L and Makhija, Anil and Yonker, Scott (2014) Evidence and Impact of Social Proximity: A Study of Caste-based Hiring of CEOs in India. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014 (1). ISSN 0065-0668
Damaraju, N L and Barney, J B and Makhija, A K (2014) Real options in divestment alternatives. Strategic Management Journal, 36 (5). pp. 728-744. ISSN 0143-2095
Damaraju, N L and Makhija, Anil and Yonker, Scott (2014) Evidence and Impact of Social Proximity: A Study of Caste-based Hiring of CEOs in India. In: Academy of Management - Conference, 2014.
Davoodi, H R and Dixit, S and Pinter, G (2014) How Strong Is the Monetary Transmission Mechanism in the East African Community? In: The Quest for Regional Integration in the East African Community. International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 133-157. ISBN 9781484364413
De, S and Tantri, P L (2014) Borrowing Culture and Debt Relief: Evidence from a Policy Experiment. In: Asian Finance Association (AsianFA) 2014.
Deo, S and Gurvich, I and Park, E (2014) Does Limiting Time on Ambulance Diversion Reduce Diversions? Signaling Equilibrium and Network Effect. Working Paper. SSRN.
Deo, S and Sohoni, M G (2014) Optimal Decentralization of Early Infant Diagnosis of HIV in Resource-Limited Settings. Working Paper. Indian School of Business, Hyderabad.
Dixit, J and O'Brien, J (2014) Performance Feedback and Financing Decisions: Exploring Complementarities Between TCE and BTF. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014 (1). ISSN 2151-6561
Dubé, J P and Hitsch, G J and Jindal, P (2014) The Joint identification of utility and discount functions from stated choice data: An application to durable goods adoption. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 12 (4). pp. 331-377. ISSN 1570-7156
Feinberg, E A and Mandava, M and Shiryaev, A N (2014) On solutions of Kolmogorovʼs equations for nonhomogeneous jump Markov processes. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 411 (1). pp. 261-270. ISSN 1096-0813
Forrest, Jessica L and Mascia, Michael B and Pailler, Sharon and Abidin, Siti Zuraidah and Araujo, Mara Deza and Krithivasan, Roopa and Riveros, Juan Carlos (2014) Tropical Deforestation and Carbon Emissions from Protected Area Downgrading, Downsizing, and Degazettement (PADDD). Discussion Paper. Conservation Letters.
Gandhok, T and Smith, R (2014) Rethinking cross-border talent management: The emerging markets perspective. Asian Management Insights, 1 (2). pp. 18-25. ISSN 2315-4284
Gangwar, M and Kumar, N and Rao, R C (2014) Consumer stockpiling and competitive promotional strategies. Marketing Science, 33 (1). pp. 94-113. ISSN 1526-548X
Germann, F and Grewal, R and Ross, W T and Srivastava, R K (2014) Product recalls and the moderating role of brand commitment. Marketing Letters, 25 (2). pp. 179-191. ISSN 1573-059X
Ghoshal, T and Yorkston, E and Nunes, J C and Boatwright, P (2014) Multiple reference points in sequential hedonic evaluation: An empirical analysis. Journal of Marketing Research, 51 (5). pp. 563-577. ISSN 1547-7193
Gunia, B and Brett, J and Nandkeolyar, A K (2014) Trust me, I'm a negotiator: Diagnosing trust to negotiate effectively, globally. Organizational Dynamics, 43 (1). pp. 27-36. ISSN 1873-3530
Hanouna, Paul and Ovtchinnikov, Alexei V and Prabhat, Saumya (2014) Political Investments and the Price of Credit Risk: Evidence from Credit Default Swaps. Working Paper. SSRN.
Hoberg, G and Kumar, N and Prabhala, N (2014) Mutual Fund Competition, Managerial Skill, and Alpha Persistence. Working Paper. SSRN.
Hotkar, P and Agarwal, S and Mhaskar, S (2014) Hybridsourcing: A novel work allocation mechanism to provide controlled autonomy to workers. In: 2014 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium.
Jagannathan, R and Jirnyi, A and Sherman, A G (2014) Share auctions of initial public offerings: Global evidence. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 24 (3). pp. 283-311. ISSN 1096-0473
Jain, A and Sohoni, M G (2014) Should firms conceal information when dealing with common suppliers? Naval Research Logistics, 62 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1520-6750
Jain, T (2014) Where there is a will: Fertility behavior and sex bias in large families. Journal of Human Resources, 49 (2). pp. 393-423. ISSN 1548-8004
Kaipa, P L (2014) Making wise decisions: leadership lessons from Mahabharata. Journal of Management Development, 33 (8/9). pp. 835-846. ISSN 1758-7492
Kapoor, M and Ravi, S (2014) Women voters in Indian democracy: A silent revolution. Economic and Political Weekly, 49 (12). pp. 63-67. ISSN 0012-9976
Kathuria, A and Rojas, M A and Saldanha, T J V and Khuntia, J (2014) Extent versus Range of Service Digitization: Implications for Firm Performance. In: Americas Conference on Information Systems.
Kenett, R S and Shmueli, G (2014) On information quality. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society, 177 (1). pp. 3-38. ISSN 0964-1998
Khuntia, J and Saldanha, T J V and Kathuria, A (2014) Dancing in the Tigers' Den: MNCs versus Local Firms Leveraging IT-Enabled Strategic Flexibility. In: International Conference on Interaction Sciences.
Knudsen, T and Srikanth, K (2014) Coordinated Exploration: Organizing Joint Search by Multiple Specialists to Overcome Mutual Confusion and Joint Myopia. Administrative Science Quarterly, 59 (3). pp. 409-441. ISSN 1930-3815
Kumar, A and Mehra, A and Kumar, S (2014) How Physical Retail Channels Impact Customers’ Online Purchase Behavior? Paper Under Review.
Kumar, M V S and Dixit, J and Francis, B (2014) The impact of prior stock market reactions on risk taking in acquisitions. Strategic Management Journal, 36 (13). pp. 2111-2121. ISSN 1097-0266
Kunnumkal, S (2014) Randomization approaches for network revenue management with customer choice behavior. Production and Operations Management, 23 (9). pp. 1617-1633. ISSN 1937-5956
Langer, N and Mani, D and Srikanth, K (2014) Client Satisfaction Versus Profitability: An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Formal Controls in Strategic Outsourcing Contracts. In: Information Systems Outsourcing. 4th ed. Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 67-88. ISBN 9783662438190
Langer, N and Slaughter, S A and Mukhopadhyay, T (2014) Project managers' practical intelligence and project performance in software offshore outsourcing: A field study. Information Systems Research, 25 (2). pp. 364-384. ISSN 1047-7047
Manchiraju, H and Pierce, S and Sridharan, S (2014) Is Hedge Accounting Designation Informative About How Firms Use Derivatives? Working Paper. SSRN.
Mani, D and Choo, K K R and Mubarak, S (2014) Information security in the South Australian real estate industry: A study of 40 real estate organisations. Information Management & Computer Security, 22 (1). pp. 24-41. ISSN 0968-5227
Mani, D and Srikanth, K and Bharadwaj, A (2014) Efficacy of R&D Work in Offshore Captive Centers: An Empirical Study of Task Characteristics, Coordination Mechanisms, and Performance. Information Systems Research, 25 (4). pp. 846-864. ISSN 1047-7047
Mehra, A and Langer, N and Bapna, R and Gopal, R (2014) Estimating Returns to Training in the Knowledge Economy: A Firm-Level Analysis of Small and Medium Enterprises. MIS Quarterly, 38 (3). pp. 757-772. ISSN 1540-1979
Mehra, A and Seidmann, A and Mojumder, P (2014) Product Life-Cycle Management of Packaged Software. Production and Operations Management, 23 (3). pp. 366-378. ISSN 1059-1478
Mondal, Arindam and Ray, Sougata and Chittoor, R and Das, Ranjan (2014) Influence of Experiential Learning on Subsidiary Performance of Emerging Multinationals. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014 (1). ISSN 2151-6561
Mukherjee, A and Subramanian, K and Tantri, P L (2014) Costs and Benefits of Debt Moratoria: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in India. Working Paper. Indian School of Business.
Nandkeolyar, A K and Shaffer, J A and Li, A and Ekkirala, S and Bagger, J (2014) Surviving an abusive supervisor: The joint roles of conscientiousness and coping strategies. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99 (1). pp. 138-150. ISSN 0021-9010
Nandkumar, A and Mani, D (2014) An Introduction to Group Based Trajectory Modeling in Strategic Management Research. Working Paper. SSRN.
Nandkumar, A and Srikanth, K (2014) IPR at Host Locations and the Internal Division of Innovative Labor within Multinational Enterprises. In: Academy of Management-Conference, 2014.
Nandkumar, A and Srikanth, K (2014) Right Person at the Right Place: How IPR at the Host Location Influences the Internal Division of Innovative Labor in Multinational Enterprises. Working Paper. SSRN.
Nandkumar, A and Tadikonda, D D H (2014) Attentional Attributions of Deservingness: The case of Resource Allocation to Academic Scientists. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014 (1). ISSN 2151-6561
Narain, V and Goodrich, C G and Chourey, J and Prakash, A (2014) Globalization of Water Governance in South Asia. 1st ed. Routledge, New Delhi, India. ISBN 9780367253172
Narain, V and Goodrich, C G and Chourey, J and Prakash, A (2014) Introduction: The Globalization of Governance: Transforming Water Management in South Asia? In: Globalization of Water Governance in South Asia. 1st ed. Routledge, New Delhi, India. ISBN 9781315734187
Nicole, H and Pedada, K (2014) The Future of Marketing in a Multi-channel and Multi-screen World. Project Report. Marketing Science Institute.
Nidumolu, S R (2014) The Collaboration Imperative. Harvard Business Review, 92 (4). pp. 76-84. ISSN 0017-8012
Pereira, A and Dhar, S (2014) The Engaged Classroom: A Successful Lead User Innovation. In: International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED), 2014.
Prakash, A (2014) The periurban water security problem: a case study of Hyderabad in Southern India. Water Policy, 16 (3). pp. 454-469. ISSN 1366-7017
Prakash, A and Goodrich, C G and Singh, S (2014) Informing Water Policies in South Asia. 1st ed. Routledge, New Delhi, India. ISBN 9780367253035
Ramachandran, K (2014) Institution Building: Experiences, Lessons and Challenges. IUP Journal of Management Research, 13 (1). pp. 7-16. ISSN 0972-5342
Ramachandran, K and Bhatnagar, N (2014) Do Family Business Leaders Really Cooperate with Non-Family Executives - Process Challenges of Professionalization. Working Paper. Indian School of Business.
Ramachandran, K and Bhatnagar, N (2014) Professionalization Efforts at Aurobindo Pharma. In: Global STEP Booklet, Volume II; Sustaining Entrepreneurial Family Businesses: Developing the Core, Expanding the Boundaries.
Ramachandran, K and Bhatnagar, N (2014) Togetherness in Indian Family Businesses. Working Paper. Indian School of Business.
Ramanan, R N V (2014) Corporate Governance, Auditing, and Reporting Distortions. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 29 (3). pp. 306-339. ISSN 0148-558X
Ramanan, R N V and Bhargava, H K (2014) Stimulating Early Adoption of New Products through Channel Disintegration. Production and Operations Management, 23 (10). pp. 1681-1689. ISSN 1059-1478
Rao, M and Katyal, A and Singh, P V and Samarth, A and Bergkvist, S and Kancharla, M and Wagstaff, A and Netuveli, G and Renton, A (2014) Changes in addressing inequalities in access to hospital care in Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra states of India: a difference-in-differences study using repeated cross-sectional surveys. BMJ Open, 4 (6). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2044-6055
Ravi, S (2014) Repay as you earn: Loan repayment frequency, cash flows, and savings of households. Journal of International Development, 26 (4). pp. 438-453. ISSN 1099-1328
Roy, S and Chan, T and Cheema, A (2014) Price Expectations and Purchase Decisions: Evidence from an Online Store Experiment. Customer Needs and Solutions, 1 (2). pp. 117-130. ISSN 2196-291X
Salje, H and Andrews, J R and Deo, S and Satyanarayana, S and Sun, A Y and Pai, M and Dowdy, D W (2014) The Importance of Implementation Strategy in Scaling Up Xpert MTB/RIF for Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in the Indian Health-Care System: A Transmission Model. PLoS Medicine, 11 (7). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1549-1277
Samu, S and Wymer, W (2014) Cause marketing communications: Consumer inference on attitudes towards brand and cause. Journal of Marketing, 48 (7/8). pp. 1333-1353. ISSN 1547-7185
Sapra, H and Subramanian, A and Subramanian, K (2014) Corporate Governance and Innovation: Theory and Evidence. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 49 (4). pp. 957-1003. ISSN 1756-6916
Sekhri, S and Debnath, S (2014) Intergenerational Consequences of Early Age Marriages of Girls: Effect on Children's Human Capital. Journal of Development Studies, 50 (12). pp. 1670-1686. ISSN 1743-9140
Seshadri, S and Wu, Q (2014) Production and inventory planning under decreasing absolute risk aversion: A unified approach for sensitivity analysis. Risk and Decision Analysis, 5 (1). pp. 63-73. ISSN 1569-7371
Shmueli, G and Chatla, S. (2014) Linear probability models in information systems research. In: 22nd European Conference on Information Systems, 9-11 June 2014, Tel Aviv.
Shmueli, G and Yahav, I (2014) The Forest or the Trees? Tackling Simpson's Paradox with Classification and Regression Trees. Working Paper. Indian School of Business.
Shmueli, G and Yahav, I and Ramat Gan, I (2014) Tackling Simpson's Paradox in Big Data Using Classification & Regression Trees. Twenty Second European Conference on Information Systems, Tel Aviv 2014.
Shrimali, G and Goel, S and Srinivasan, S and Nelson, D (2014) Solving India’s Renewable Energy Financing Challenge: Which Federal Policies can be Most Effective? Policy Paper. Climate Policy Initiative.
Shrimali, G and Nekkalapudi, V (2014) How Effective Has India’s Solar Mission Been in Reaching Its Deployment Targets? Economic and Political Weekly, 49 (42). ISSN 0012-9976
Singh, N and Ramachandran, K and Subramanian, R (2014) The Value of Product Returns: Intertemporal Product Management with Strategic Consumers. Working Paper. SSRN.
Sivapalan, M and Konar, M and Srinivasan, V and Chhatre, A and Wutich, A and Scott, C A and Wescoat, J L and Rodríguez-Iturbe, I (2014) Socio-hydrology: Use-inspired water sustainability science for the Anthropocene. Earth's Future, 2 (4). pp. 225-230. ISSN 2328-4277
Sodhi, M S and Tang, C S (2014) Supply-chain research opportunities with the poor as suppliers or distributors in developing countries. Production and Operations Management, 23 (9). pp. 1483-1494. ISSN 1059-1478
Songsermsawas, T and Baylis, K and Chhatre, A and Michelson, H C (2014) Can Peers Improve Agricultural Productivity? Working Paper. SSRN.
Songsermsawas, T and Baylis, K R and Chhatre, A (2014) Effects of Peers on Agricultural Productivity in Rural Northern India. In: 2014 AAEA/EAAE/CAES Joint Symposium: Social Networks, Social Media and the Economics of Food, May 29-30, 2014, Montreal, Canada.
Srikanth, K and Puranam, P (2014) The firm as a coordination system: Evidence from software services offshoring. Organization Science, 25 (4). pp. 1253-1271. ISSN 1047-7039
Srivastava, R K (2014) Leveraging market-based assets to de-risk the firm's operations. Asian Management Insights, 1 (2). pp. 34-40. ISSN 2315-4284
Sunder M, V (2014) Quality excellence in higher education system through Six Sigma: student team engagement model. International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage, 8 (3/4). pp. 247-256. ISSN 1479-2494
Talluri, K (2014) New Formulations for Choice Network Revenue Management. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 26 (2). pp. 401-413. ISSN 1091-9856
Tantri, P L and Thota, N (2014) Inherent Quality or Nepotism?: Performance Analysis of Political Dynasties in a Democracy. Working Paper. Indian School of Business.
Thau, S and Pitesa, M and Pillutla, M (2014) Experiments in Organizational Behavior. In: Laboratory Experiments in the Social Sciences (Second Edition). Academic Press, San Diego, USA, pp. 433-447. ISBN 970124046818
Vadera, A K and Kamdar, D (2014) An Elaboration and Test of Framework of Constructive Deviance in Organizations. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014 (1). ISSN 0065-0668
Vadera, A K and Aguilera, R V (2014) The Evolution of Vocabularies and Its Relation to Investigation of White-Collar Crimes: An Institutional Work Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 128. pp. 21-38. ISSN 1573-0697
Vadera, A K and Srivastava, V and Aquino, K and Chandrashekarrao, P (2014) Effect of Competition on Unethical Behaviors. Academy of Management Journal, 2014 (1). ISSN 2151-6561
Voleti, S (2014) An Empirical Investigation of Spatial Externalities in Product Arrangements on Retail Shelves. Working Paper. SSRN.
Voleti, S and Ghosh, P (2014) A non-parametric model of residual brand equity in hierarchical branding structures with application to US beer data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society, 177 (1). pp. 135-152. ISSN 1467-985X
Wan, Z and Devalkar, S K (2014) Using Procurement Service Providers in Supplier Screening. Working Paper. SSRN.
Worm, S and Srivastava, R K (2014) Impact of component supplier branding on profitability. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 31 (4). pp. 409-424. ISSN 1873-8001
Yahav, I and Shmueli, G (2014) Directionally sensitive multivariate control charts in practice: Application to biosurveillance. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 30 (2). pp. 159-179. ISSN 1099-1638
Yahav, I and Shmueli, G (2014) Outcomes matter: Estimating pre-transplant survival rates of kidney-transplant patients using simulator-based propensity scores. Annals of Operations Research, 216 (1). pp. 101-128. ISSN 1572-9338